Big Country Chapter 310

Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas
District 22

Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm.

Big Country Council 192

Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas
District 22

Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm.

Stamford Commandery 75

Grand Commandery of Texas
District 7

Meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:30pm.

Heart of Texas York Rite College 128

Sovereign York Rite College of North America

Meets quarterly on the 3rd Saturday of February, May, August, and November at 10:00am.

A. E. Killion, Sr. Council 452

Allied Masonic Degrees

Meets biannually on the 3rd Saturday of February and August at 1:00pm.

James. M. Wilson Council 93

Grand Council of Knight Masons, USA

Meets biannually on the 3rd Saturday of February and August at 1:00pm.

Permian Conclave

UGIC Red Cross of Constantine

Meets on the 1st Saturday of October and the 2nd Saturday of November at 11:00am.